My Pretties…

Why is it that I can sit at the computer for hours trying to find the words I need to finish WF, only to be hypnotized into stupor by that cursed blinking cursor, but I can suddenly find those shinny little gems of great new story ideas just laying all over the place. I'm at odds right now with which of the three stories I'm going to start outlining for Nanowrimo this year. True, I still have to finish WF before I can allow myself to work on anything new, but my new shiny pretties are screaming for me to pay them attention.

One came to me while writing my morning pages. It's easy for me to relate to, has everything I love (horror, ghosts, yadayada) and just looks to be a fun write. It's about a mom that vows she will always be there for her children, even in death. How long will it take before she learns to let go? This is more of an adult book. I see many funny moments in it, but also several tear jerker.

Then my mom gave me one of her dreams to add to my novel idea folder. It's about alien abductions, where they take their captives to a concentration camp and make them into slaves. It's a more gruesome adult book and though I'm not sure I'm ready for all that entails, the story interests me.

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The third came to me just this morning in a fantastic dream. I think I was writing it in my dream, because I even had the title for it. The story was a young adult modern retelling of the little mermaid and in my dream I had named it Heads or tails. A lot of my ideas come from dreams, but this one was one that nagged at me long after I had gotten up. It demanded to be put to page, and so I got to work typing out the basic storyline and plot. I love it when an idea comes fully formed!

At the moment my mermaid story is looking like the best candidate for Nano this year. Not only is it the newest, shiniest, and most interesting, but it has a fully developed plot, several subplots, will be easiest to outline, and the most intriguing characters.

What story sounds the most interesting to you as a reader?

Many apologies for the lack of updates here on the blog, but as I said I'm trying to finish WF. It's not going so well. I lost the end somewhere. It's stuck in hell somewhere fighting to get out… I'll be posting more as I break through the last few chapters and Nanowrimo rounds the corner. Yay! Nano! Yay! Excitement! *cough* yeah… anywho!




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