Adding a Table of Contents in Word

With only a first draft under my belt, I continue to see myself as a novice writer. When I learn something new I like to share. So what did I learn today? How to add a table of contents (TOC) to a Word Document. Yeah, it's pretty awesome.

Using the TOC can make revision and editing easier by using the TOC to locate the chapter you want to work on simply by pressing the control button and clicking the chapter on the TOC you want to jump to. I tested this out with my first draft of Wild Fire. Not only is it great in word but when I converted it for my kindle I was able to jump around the book using the TOC.

Here is a quick way of creating a TOC:

  • Select the chapter text you want to use as reference. I did this by selecting Chapter One and so on throughout my draft.
  • Click Heading 2. If you wish to keep the same font then go ahead and change the font you want to use. Do this for all chapters
  • Make sure your cursor is in the position where you want your TOC to be placed
  • Click the Reference tab
  • Click Table of Contents
  • Click insert Table of Contents
  • Click OK

Easy Peasy!

As you work your pages may change or you may change your chapter titles. This is an easy fix. Simply press F9 and update your TOC.

I hope this is found useful.




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