Nano Fever!

It’s that time of year again! The time when plot bunnies run, the time when writers prepare for their inevitable decent into madness, and the time for wild creative delight. That’s right, it’s Nano-time! Only eighteen days until writers chain themselves to their keyboards to complete the goal of 50,000 words in thirty days.

I tried this myself last year, but life disagreed and I had to abandon it. I’m going to attempt it again this year, but no promises. You never know what life will throw at you, but I have spent the past month preparing for November.
I’ve managed to get the kids on a new schedule, which is not that easy of a task. I have a shinny new outline set up in Scrivener (love, love, love Scrivener) and a beautiful cover for my Nano-project. I’m so excited for November to begin!
How are you preparing for Nano-fever?



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