At last, we are finally home. I love getting to see the family, but I have to say, this was a pretty bad vacation. As soon as we got to Arkansas, I got sick, and not my normal puny-self sick, but Darth Flu type sick (sorry just watched Jedi squirrels.) So the kids and I spent most of our time at my Mother-in-laws house hacking and coughing and being all around miserable. Unfortunately, she is undergoing medical treatment and couldn’t stay there with a bunch of sickies, so we were all alone.
My Hubz did get a chance to hunt though, and even made me go sit on a tree stand with him for a few hours. You may have noticed my boredom, I spent a lot of time on twitter that afternoon, and when I got bored with that I started chatting with Ali Cross on gtalk. Yeah, I love my smartphone. I was even able to lure a deer close to us using a deer call app on my phone, but it never got close enough for us to shoot it, which was fine by me, we already have a freezer full of meat by then. Yum. Deer steaks, deer burgers, deer sausage…. Again, yum!Fortunately I was able to attend Ali and the Dark Carma gals blog tour twitter party, which kept me giggling on our 7 hour road trip. I’m super excited for these women because not only are they fantastic writers, but they are super brave! They have all self-pubbed and are self-marketing. Wow! Now that we are back home, snug and comfy, I have the pleasure of unpacking. Yippee. Not to mention I need to get the cattle prod out in order to persuade my Hubz and brother into dragging the Christmas tree from the attic. So much to do, and so little writing time! At least I can listen to my kindle books while I clean and decorate.
So off I go to make Christmas magic for the McBay fam!
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